The Kit increases reliabilitly and energetic performance, decreases maintenance and operational costs and helps reduces your environmental footstep.
The C8 CleanTech Kit is a greener alternative to other APUs. You will have no more issues complying with anti-idling regulations.
No more dead batteries, leading to costly service calls and delayed deliveries. The C8 CleanTech Kit provides enough energy for deliveries all day with no idling.
Fulfill your driver's energy needs, powering auxiliary A/C systems, CPAPs, electric PTO, cell phones, laptops, TVs, gaming consoles, coffee machines, microwaves, and more. Elevate in-cab comfort and enhance the driver's on-road experience without requiring idling.
Tow trucks
Tow trucks have many energy demands, from the A/C and heating, to flashing lights and heavy loads. The C8 CleanTech Kit makes your job easier without idling.
The C8 CleanTech Kit is an energy-efficient solution that significantly reduces greenhouse gases and the technology is eligible for government grants.
Under certain conditions, it covers up to 75% of the purchase and installation cost of the kit.)
*Terms and conditions apply